
Colorful Art for Sale: The Magic of Color


Colorful Discover Works


Colorful Discover Works


Colorful Discover Works

Single Color

Colorful Discover Works

Experience the magic of color and breathe life into your décor with LUMAS photo art in every hue. Discover the perfect piece of colorful art for your home with our curators' tips and selection of colorful artworks encompassing landscapes and abstracts, and prints of photographs and paintings. We’ll show you the best ways to combine different colors and explore the ambiances these combinations create. Find and order art you love, either right here or in one of our 19 galleries around the world.

Complementary Colors: Opposites Attract

The complementary colors in these Warhol skateboards liven up the room

When filled with colorful art in rich, complementary colors, your home will radiate with pure joie de vivre. Complementary colors are those opposite each other on the color wheel: red and green, blue and orange, etc. Together, they create powerful contrasts and augment each other’s luminosity. These color combinations are especially prevalent in Pop Art, and part of the reason the genre has such a refreshing, humorous and lively feel to it. Artist Lucia Giacani masterfully utilizes this stylistic tool in her Killing Time series. Her perfect use of complementary colors gives her photographs a provocative, vibrant, and striking aesthetic.

Analogous Colors: Harmony in Similarity

Works with softer, similar hues create a peaceful ambiance

Art in softer shades can give any room a gratifying appeal. It creates a subtle interplay between colors, enabling people who see it to relax. Analogous color combinations are made using hues that are close to each other on the color wheel, such as blue and green or red and pink. A simplified tip: if you want to arrange multiple artworks to create an artistic gallery wall, take note of similar color temperatures; put warmer tones together, and cooler colors with each other. The desaturated look of pastel colors makes them especially harmonious.

Primary Colors: Pure and Unadulterated

Art in primary colors makes the space bright and stimulating.

Artists often define the primary colors as red, yellow, and blue; these being the colors we can mix to create all others. Red stands for passion, blue calms the soul, and yellow provides cheer. Each of these colors appears pure and simple – harness this power with wall art in primary colors. You could also try three pictures hung in a row, each featuring a different primary color. Ideally, you’ll want them to be against a neutral background so that the colors appear fresh and unrestrained, making the room stimulating and bright.

Colorful Art: A Single Color in Many Shades

Harness the power of a single color in all its nuances

A monochrome work of art plays with different shades and nuances of one color. Found a monochrome LUMAS piece you love? Try putting splashes of a similar color near the art to create a clean, modern look. You could also try combining large-format collages and triptychs of similar hues. Décor that includes shiny, metallic accessories – gold, silver, or chrome – accents  monochrome ambiances.

Spotlight: Colorful Landscape Art

Colorful landscapes can open your home to the twin effect of colorful motifs and landscapes, introducing a powerful and upbeat accent to your wall decor. Discover our curated works and more in our collection of landscape art!

Spotlight: Colorful Abstract Art

The intersection of colorful motifs with the sophisticated element of abstract art sets up your home for home for a design concept that is both smart and fun. Discover our collection of colorful abstract art!.

Colorful Art for Your Home

Play with different color schemes and create an atmosphere that suits your life and style. You can use color to create boundaries between your living and sleeping areas: an artwork in calming blue hues for your bedroom, a Roy Lichtenstein-style Pop Art piece for the living room. When looking for the perfect spot to hang your artwork, take note of what effect the color has in that location. Prints in shades of pink make a room feel cozier, whereas blue and green tones can make a room look bigger. Want to enliven the atmosphere of the whole room? Put a piece of furniture or home accessory of a complementary color near the art. This can create striking contrasts and powerful combinations! With our home art guides, you can find art you love and bring color into your life!

Shop Art in Every Color