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Let Go

2018 / 2023 MMS06
15.7 x 15.7
27.6 x 27.6
39.4 x 39.4

depth 0.08" glossy, frameless, 15.7 x 15.7" (External dimensions)

15.7 x 15.7" (External dimensions)

depth 0.08" glossy, frameless, 27.6 x 27.6" (External dimensions)

27.6 x 27.6" (External dimensions)

depth 0.08" glossy, frameless, 39.4 x 39.4" (External dimensions)

39.4 x 39.4" (External dimensions)
Plus tax and $ 19.90 in shipping.


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In Mallory Morrison’s underwater photography, the passions of the former ballet dancer flow together. She started dancing at age four and at about age 10, her father introduced her to the world of photography. From those early years she began to deep dive, blending her fascination with photography and love of dance, both of which she immersed herself in college and beyond. She stopped dancing after 24 years and devoted herself fully to dance photography, making it her mission to capture the noble essence of human movement.

 The element of water allows the photographer to realize her intention. She embraces the resistance of water to depict the lightness of dance and to capture a brief moment of a greater process. Her images invite her models, the viewer, and herself to dive into a literally breathtaking world. Without an oxygen tank or other aids, Mallory Morrison becomes an underwater choreographer. The power- consuming process results in a delicate and graceful depiction - like ballet itself. The viewer experiences the magic of the underwater world – where lightness overrules gravity, where everyone speaks the same language fluently: the silent yet meaningful language of the body. 

Images as beguiling as siren songs and as soothing as the sound of the sea itself, for Mallory Morrison creates her art with an awareness of the close connection between physical and mental health. She trusts in the strengthening, healing power of water which can not only reveal things, but also carry them and move them forward.

1984      Born in Chicago, Illinois
2006     University of California Santa Cruz, CA
Bachelors of Arts- Art Major with focus: photography
2009     Brooks Institute of Photography, Santa Barbara, CA Bachelor of Arts in Professional Photography Commercial Photography, Special Recognition Award
2011       First exhibition at: SOFT COLLISIONS, PUSH Offices, Venice, CA