Curated Abstract Green Art

Explore our curators' selection of abstract green artworks from the LUMAS portfolio. Shop our collection, and discover abstract green prints and paintings, landscapes and watercolors.

Abstract Green Art for Your Walls

When choosing art for your home decor, tone is important. A mint or sage print, reminiscent of watercolor painting, sets a soothing accent, and blends into most walls. A modern choice of green, like lime, neon, or chartreuse, stands out. The contrast would turn your gallery wall at home into an abstract artwork in itself. Dark greens, being immediately evocative of natural scenery, are the most likely to feature nature art in which the abstract is subtle and non-formal. Nature itself can be something alien or off-kilter.

Landscapes are the traditional home of green painting. Modern art has featured both these more traditional landscapes, as well as something one could call "landscapes of the mind", as produced by the abstract expressionists. The availability of both forms came full circle in the rise of abstract landscape, such as those produced by the abstract photo artist Alison Shaw. Explore our selection of abstract landscape art.

Curated Abstract Green Artworks

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