Curated Abstract Purple Art

Explore our curators' selection of abstract purple artworks from the LUMAS portfolio. Shop our collection, and discover abstract purple prints of photographs and paintings in landscape and portrait genres for the walls of your home!

Abstract Purple Art for Your Walls

Abstract purple art combines the mood of stability characteristic of purple art with the the invitation to contemplation that abstract art holds out. Such a combination is seen, for example, in artworks which begin from a kind of artistic geometry, like the landscapes by architecture design group Graft, or optically complex interiors by Stephen Haley. In these works, purple color and abstract working style work together to support deep and mysterious meditations.

As part of your home decor, such artworks fit best in rooms with atmospheres that are more "flexible", like the living room, or rooms which are oriented to calm and contemplative moods, like the bedroom or the home office.

Curated Abstract Purple Artworks

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