Curated Abstract Red Art

Explore our curators' selection of abstract red artworks from the LUMAS portfolio. Shop our collection, and discover prints of paintings, photographs, and drawings, and abstract fine artworks in landscape, portrait, and other styles.

Abstract Red Art for Your Walls

In modern art, abstract red art occupies a chapter unto itself. Abstract expressionist painters appropriated the liveliness of red, and its associations with passion, virility, and violence, to create profiles of the color. This effect, developed by color field painters like Rothko, is used in the stunning prints and lenticular creations of LUMAS artist Beatrice Hug, reminiscent of modern art of the mid 20th century. Other LUMAS artists work in the traditions of Expressionism and nearby movements like Fauvism, using color to convey sentiments or emotions, or carving their subject matter out of blocs of bold color.

Red is a color by nature passionate and playful, high and low, popular and fine art. Because its boldness does not necessarily correspond to the distracting potential of energetic colors like orange or neon, red can be featured in calm and relaxing environments. Red artworks featuring abstract, geometrical patterns and themes are especially undistracting, and can set soothing tones as part of a bedroom art collection. Darker abstract crimsons and maroons go well in bathroom art decor, where color tones and non-representational motifs can create a comforting aura when hung over a hallway or a bath.

Curated Abstract Red Artworks

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